HDCleaner 1.294 + Portable Clean and optimize hard disk space

 Application software for cleaning and optimizing hard disk space is one of the  redundant and unused files that by identifying and removing temporary and unnecessary files in Windows and Office, removing traces and cache files from Internet browsers, identifying and deleting invalid values ​​from registry and inactive Disabling Windows services will increase performance and reduce errors and sudden crashes in Windows and other applications. HDCleaner software is free, fast, and completely reliable, and it detects and clears redundant files completely with your approval and monitoring, and by creating multiple recovery points, it allows you to easily go to the previous state in case of any problems. Come back.

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HDCleaner 1.294 + Portable Clean and optimize hard disk space HDCleaner 1.294 + Portable Clean and optimize hard disk space Reviewed by admink on May 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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