Atlantis Word Processor + Portable Word Replacement

Atlantis Word Processor

Atlantis Word Processor

 It is a software that allows you to edit your text files and design them in a completely professional way. Atlantis Word Processor software, like Word, has many features and options. In Atlantis Word Processor, you have the ability to type texts and place photos between pages, as well as display effects with small animations between pages. This software is currently one of the most popular programs in the field of making text documents and is in tough competition with MS Word software.

Some features of Atlantis Word Processor software
  • Ability to write multiple files simultaneously
  • Ability to resize, color, background color text
  • Ability to spell words spelling words and support 16 world languages
  • Ability to create pages similar to the state of newspaper pages
  • It has ready-made templates for creating visual beauty in documents for writing letters and ...
  • Has multiple fonts for texts
  • Ability to edit photos placed on pages
  • Making different text documents
  • It has two different graphical modes for writing texts
  • Ability to save documents as web files in HTML format
  • Download with a size of 4 MB with crack
    Multi Mirror Link
    Version without the need for installation (Portable)
    download with direct link

Atlantis Word Processor + Portable Word Replacement Atlantis Word Processor + Portable Word Replacement Reviewed by admink on May 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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